Innovative Software Cuts Costs and Time for States to Report Hospital Quality Information to the Public
Baxa Corporation Introduces the InFuse™ T-10 Syringe Infuser
Toshiba Launches, a Resource for Patients Undergoing Medical Imaging Exams
To help patients work with their physicians to better understand medical imaging, Toshiba America Medical Systems, Inc. has launched, an educational resource Web site for patients receiving diagnostic imaging exams.
Electronic Health Records
Electronic Health Records
EHR Implementation:
A Vendor’s Diary
This is the first in an occasional series chronicling the implementation of an electronic health record in a small community hospital system in rural New Hampshire. Serious discussion about the implementation began in 2009, during a time of seismic change in healthcare and healthcare IT.
Health IT & Quality
Health IT & Quality
Regulate HIT Tools as Medical Devices? Yes and No
The Food and Drug Administration recently announced it is reconsidering its previous decision to exclude health information technology (HIT) tools from regulation as medical devices. When last evaluated in the late 1990s, this decision made common sense. At that time HIT consisted of rudimentary clinical documentation systems, electronic reference materials, and administrative applications.
Editor’s Notebook: The unTechnology Conference
Editor’s Notebook
The unTechnology Conference
Many sports fans are familiar with the quip, “Last night I went to a fight, and a hockey game broke out.” Well, in early May, I went to a technology conference, and a patient safety meeting broke out. I didn’t expect the conference to be run-of-the-mill; the unSummit, by its name, signals that it offers an alternative conference experience and claims to offer high-quality, practical advice.
EXTENSION, INC. announced that EXTENSION version 2.0 is now available
for integration. Version 2.0 – replacing EXTENSION version 1.4 – offers
features and functionality that further enhance clinical and
operational workflows and overall communications among clinicians,
healthcare staff, and patients.
IntelliDose and eClinicalWorks Partner for End-to-End Oncology Practice Management
IntelliDose®, IntrinsiQ’s chemotherapy management solution, with the
eClinicalWorks unified Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and Practice
Management (PM) solution to give oncology practices a complete,
best-of-breed health information system.
NQF Forms New Health IT Advisory Committee
National Quality Forum (NQF) has formed a new Health Information
Technology Advisory Committee (HITAC). Members of the new advisory
committee represent a wide range of healthcare stakeholders, including
consumers, providers, clinicians, purchasers, suppliers, and public and
community healthcare.
Vice President Biden, HHS Secretary Sebelius Announce Selection of 15 Health IT Pilot Communities through Recovery Act Beacon Community Program
Vice President Biden and U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary
Kathleen Sebelius announced the selection of 15 communities across the
country to serve as pilot communities for eventual wide-scale use of
health information technology through the Beacon Community program.