The Benefits of Increased Patient Engagement for Care Outcomes and Staff Retention

By establishing a strong patient-provider relationship, hospitals enable patients to take control of their health and to make more informed decisions. Therefore, it makes sense that hospital leadership consider how their investments in patient-facing technologies across their enterprise—from signage to more integrated engagement platforms—aid in driving the necessary care collaboration. 

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Hospital CMO: Adoption of Age-Friendly Care is Essential

According to the Population Reference Bureau, the number of Americans who are 65 or older is expected to rise 47% over the next three decades, increasing from 58 million in 2022 to 82 million by 2050. During this period, the share of the total population of Americans who are 65 or older is expected to increase from 17% to 23%.

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Connection is Key to Recovery

Every May, the Administration for Community Living leads the nation’s observance of Older Americans Month. The 2024 theme is “Powered by Connection,” which recognizes the profound impact that meaningful connections have on our health. Leading professional anesthesiologists from the California Society of Anesthesiologists, advocate for a multidisciplinary approach to anesthesia care that promotes diligent screening and creating lasting connections with patients and their greater care team to ensure the best patient care.

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Providing Personalized Care at Scale Through Automation

How care teams work has never been a one-size-fits-all concept and with the growing complexity of healthcare, changes in the workforce, and the evolution of patient needs, there is an opportunity for healthcare organizations to adapt their models to enable teams to personalize care for every patient at scale.

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Can AI Be Used to Triage ED Patients?

The study, which appears this week in JAMA, could give health systems a valuable tool for triaging ED patients, particularly during times of heavy traffic or staff shortages. By assessing severity more quickly, the hospital could direct ED staff to those patients in need of emergency care and speed up time to treatment, eventually improving clinical outcomes.

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