Q&A: The Need for Lifelong Learning in Nursing

We spoke with Jennifer Bertram, Leader of Education and Training Innovation, Hospital Patient Monitoring, at Philips about the challenges and opportunities nursing faces in ensuring nurses have access to education to keep up to date on emerging technologies and other core competencies.

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The Evolving Use Case for RTLS in Healthcare

RTLS is used to provide actionable data and real-time locating of medical equipment, staff, and patients—it’s commonly referred to as “indoor GPS” for a hospital. But use cases go beyond just tagging assets and it can be used for any number of process improvements.

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Addressing the Disparity of Care for Rural Patients

The challenges don’t just stop at lack of staffing. Rural hospitals struggle financially, particularly now as COVID subsidies expire and reimbursements decline. Half of rural hospitals lost money in the past years, and 418 rural hospitals have been labeled as vulnerable to closure.

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Nurse Navigator Program Helps CHF Patients Find Their Way

One organization has pioneered a program aimed to empower patients with CHF and their families to navigate the complexities and challenges of their illness. Magnolia Regional Health Center has created its new Nurse Navigator program, intended to create seamless integration between prescription data fill—an important factor for prioritizing patients for targeted interventions.

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Addressing Non-Ventilator-Associated Hospital-Acquired Infection Prevention

With a 36.3% sepsis rate in NV-HAP patients compared to 1.9% in those with community-acquired pneumonia, NV-HAP sees a staggering 19-fold increase in sepsis incidence. Meanwhile, sepsis treatment in the U.S. costs the industry $24 billion annually, so more proactive steps toward prevention could not only mean healthier patients, but better financial outcomes as well.

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A Focus on Stroke Care After Discharge

With Stroke Awareness Month in May, it’s a great time to look at not only how we identify stroke symptoms and handle emergencies, but also the importance of care for stroke patients post-discharge.

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Improving Cybersecurity in Healthcare Through Partnerships

While larger systems are usually the focus of headlines when attacks happen, Frank Forte, CEO of Anatomy IT, points out that the same problems faced by larger healthcare systems are exacerbated in the mid-market or smaller organizations, those with under a thousand full-time staff.

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Leveraging Pharmacist Expertise in Patient Safety

The HHS notes that most adverse drug events are preventable. A recent study helps quantify the impact pharmacists can have in identifying medication errors at transitions of care and the impact of a method for categorizing the scale and severity of medication errors corrected by pharmacy staff during medication reconciliation at admission.

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