Virtual Second Opinions Improve Access and Diagnoses

A recent analysis of the results of The Clinic’s virtual second opinions has found an average savings of $8,700 in cost per patient, but beyond the financial aspect, the analysis also uncovered that patients are often saved from unnecessary procedures by discovering less invasive or life-altering options to treat their condition.

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Getting Creative with Data to Improve Outcomes

How can the industry help providers use quality data to identify social determinants of health affecting their patients to optimize preventive care and get ahead of health issues their patients may experience rather than waiting for those issues to surface?

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The Benefits of Increased Patient Engagement for Care Outcomes and Staff Retention

By establishing a strong patient-provider relationship, hospitals enable patients to take control of their health and to make more informed decisions. Therefore, it makes sense that hospital leadership consider how their investments in patient-facing technologies across their enterprise—from signage to more integrated engagement platforms—aid in driving the necessary care collaboration. 

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A Nurse’s Vision for Patient and Staff Safety: Healthcare Hero Turned Data-Driven Consultant

Modern technologies, such as real-time location systems (RTLS), have been proven to offer cost-effective solutions that ease operational burdens, support efficiency, increase safety, and focus on the data insights needed most by care providers. By reallocating time, caregivers can better focus on delivering high-quality patient care, thereby boosting satisfaction across the board and positively impacting the organization’s financial performance.

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Adopting AI the Right Way in Healthcare

Much of the power of AI analysis depends on data integrity, but the industry has already seen that patient-matching errors alone threaten the accuracy of AI outputs. In fact, 57% of healthcare leaders surveyed believe patient-matching errors will reach a crisis level in the next five to 10 years. 

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