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On-demand: Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze: Hand Hygiene Monitoring Technology Webinars Infection Control, Patient Safety
Sponsored by - Dude Solutions
On-demand: Joint Commission’s Changes to the Statement of Conditions and the PFI Process
Webinars Patient Safety
On-demand: Medical Error Prevention for Quality and Safety Leaders: The Medication Use Process Webinars Medication Safety, Patient Safety
On-Demand: Medical Mayhem Room: Enhancing Situational Awareness of Patient Safety Risks in the Hospital Setting Webinars Patient Safety, Quality Improvement
Sponsored by - Ecolab
On-Demand: New research highlights the critical role of environmental hygiene in reducing HO-CDIs
Webinars Environment and Facilities, Infection Control, Patient Safety
On-Demand: Nursing’s Role in Quality Improvement Webinars Patient Safety, Quality Improvement
On-Demand: OSHA’s COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard: An EVS-Focused Overview Webinars COVID-19, Patient Safety, Quality Improvement
Sponsored by - Imprivata
On-demand: Patient Misidentification – Minimizing the Risks
Webinars Patient Safety, Risk Management
Sponsored by - Imprivata
On-demand: Patient Misidentification in Healthcare: Ponemon Institute Report
Webinars Medication Safety, Patient Safety
On-Demand: Patient Safety NOW – Healthcare Risk Management Webinars Patient Safety, Risk Management