Safeguards Fail to Protect VA Patients from Surgeon’s Errors

In a page-one story on Sun., June 21, The New York Times
reported that significant errors persisted for more than six years at a
brachytherapy program at the Veterans’ Medical Center in Philadelphia
despite investigation. The Times reports that Dr. Gary D. Kao
implanted radioactive seeds incorrectly on repeated occasions as he
treated patients with prostate cancer.

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GE Launches ‘Healthymagination’; Will Commit $6 Billion to Enable Better Health Focusing on Cost, Access and Quality

GE announced today that it will spend $3 billion over the next six years on healthcare innovation that will help deliver better care to more people at lower cost. In addition, the company will commit $2 billion of financing and $1 billion in related GE technology and content to drive healthcare information technology and health in rural and underserved areas.

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