Consumer Reports Scores Hospitals on Safety

For the first time, Consumer Reports has rated U.S. hospitals for safety, combining six key measures into one composite rating. Overall, Consumer Reports rates 1,159 hospitals in 44 states in four special regional editions of its August issue.

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UVa Healthcare Worker Safety Center and American Nurses Association Issue Call to Action

In the 10 years since the passage of the federal Needlestick Safety and Protection Act, much progress has been made to reduce the risk of healthcare worker exposure to bloodborne pathogens—yet significant challenges remain. Earlier in March, The International Healthcare Worker Safety Center at the University of Virginia and the American Nurses Association (ANA), along with colleagues across the spectrum of healthcare, agreed on a Consensus Statement and Call to Action to address these issues.

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Workplace Safety: Hospital Security Impacts Patient Satisfaction

Workplace Safety

Hospital Security Impacts Patient Satisfaction

Security concerns for healthcare institutions are unlike those of any other market segment. Hospitals face increasing challenges to maintaining peace and security as emergency rooms are overcrowded, language barriers create tensions, and domestic violence is on the rise.

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