Team Training in Obstetrics: Improving Care by Learning to Work Together
Team Training in Obstetrics: Improving Care by Learning to Work Together
Communication gaps and breakdowns are a significant cause of medical errors within the healthcare system. According to data collected by the Joint Commission (2005), communication gaps are the primary root cause of two thirds of sentinel events.
ARQH: What Is Your Organization’s Patient Safety Culture?
What Is Your Organization’s Patient Safety Culture?
Ask any frontline clinician or healthcare support staff if they can identify the components that make up a “culture of patient safety,” and you might get a vague answer in response. But ask those same health providers if they feel they can speak up to report patient safety concerns without fearing retribution, and you’re likely to get very specific responses.
Medline and ClearCount Provide Education Grant to Enhance Patient Safety
Mundelein, Illinois, March 16, 2011—The Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) has recently released the AORN Retained Surgical Items Confidence-Based Learning Module (CBL) based on the association’s current Recommended Practices for Prevention of Retained Surgical Items (RSIs).
PULSE: Cleveland Clinic Team Develops New Quality Index for Hospitals
PULSE: Cleveland Clinic Team Develops New Quality Index for Hospitals
In a major paper published in the journal Anesthesiology, a Cleveland Clinic-led research team announced the development of a new publicly available tool to help patients, regulators, and hospitals compare patient outcomes and quality.
Healthcare Team Training and Smart Horizons Partner to Launch a New Online Learning Course
Healthcare Team Training (HTT) and Smart Horizons have partnered to launch a new online learning course, Coaching for Success, which is approved for CEU credit through Duke University Health System Clinical Education & Professional Development. This course develops individual coaching knowledge and skills for healthcare professionals.
Implementation of Program for Operating Room Staff that Emphasizes Teamwork Associated with Reductions in Surgical Deaths
Hospitals that had operating room personnel participate in a medical team training program that incorporates practices of aviation crews, such as training in teamwork and communication, had a lower rate of surgical deaths compared to hospitals that did not participate in the program, according to a study in the October 20 issue of JAMA.
CAPS Partners with Transparent Learning to Promote Award-Winning Video
Safety Culture: Building a Culture of Safety
Safety Culture
Building a Culture of Safety
In the 10-plus years since the inaugural publication of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) study on medical error, To Err Is Human, there has been surprisingly little progress in reducing the rate of medical error, despite the adoption of technologies specifically intended to combat medical errors. A growing number of people attribute this lack of progress to fundamental flaws in the American healthcare culture that prevent success.
Safety Huddles for a Culture of Safety
Safety Huddles for a Culture of Safety
When the Institute of Medicine (IOM) published To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System in 2000, the executives and quality and patient safety staff at Gundersen Lutheran immediately started discussions around issues emphasized in the report.
EMR Implementation: Building a Team of Informaticists
EMR Implementation
Building a Team of Informaticists
In “Clinical Informatics and the CMIO” (PSQH 2010, Jan./Feb.), I discussed the importance of clinical informatics in institutions achieving their EMR implementation goals. I talked about why you can’t “just take the paper order set and make it appear on the screen” and how you should brace yourself for organizational change when you start doing electronic order entry.