Study Confirms Passive Safety Devices Are Most Effective in Needlestick Injury Prevention

A landmark study of 22 million safety devices used in 61 French hospitals over a two-year period has confirmed the theory that passive, fully automatic safety devices offer significantly better protection against accidental needlestick injuries (NSIs) than early generation active safety technologies such as semi-automatic (push-button) devices or those with manually sliding shields or hinged caps.

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Minimize Harm for All

As much as we’d like to think that we can “get to zero” for all recurring medical errors, mistakes and adverse events will be part of medicine for the foreseeable future. In addition to working on prevention and mitigation of harm, clinicians and healthcare organizations should work on planning for the inevitable, in order to minimize harm and promote healing.

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P.U.R.E. Conversations in Obstetrics

Raising SBAR to a Higher Level
P.U.R.E. Conversations in Obstetrics

Despite a widespread effort to improve patient safety in obstetrics, injuries still occur. These injuries can be devastating both to families who sustain them and to the caregivers involved in the actual event.

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Automated Informed Consent

Automated Informed Consent
Patients and Institutions Benefit Alike

The process of obtaining informed consent from patients prior to providing certain medical services has evolved gradually over the years.

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