Can Lighting Mitigate Fall Risks?

The results of a two-year study conducted by investigators at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and MLI, published in the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, found a 43% reduction in resident falls at long-term care facilities that installed a tunable LED lighting system compared to control facilities that maintained standard lighting. 

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Revisiting Staff Respite Spaces

Offering staff and care providers a respite space where they can take a break from the demands of their role is a small gesture that greatly increases their satisfaction at work and directly affects the care they give to patients. The ability to rest and recharge promotes safer, more efficient operations, resulting in better outcomes and fewer medical errors. 

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TJC Tweaks EC and LS standards, Adds Specifics to Some Requirements

Review your Environment of Care (EC) and Life Safety (LS) policies and procedures now that The Joint Commission has issued another round of revisions, prepublished September 21 with an effective date of January 1, 2023. Only 12 standards are involved in this latest round. Many of the revisions add specifics to long-standing requirements, including several that add new notes under the element of performance (EP). Others are simple tweaks.

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How to Reduce Hospital-Onset Clostridioides Difficile

Clostridioides difficile (C. diff) is a bacterium that causes severe diarrhea and colitis, with nearly half a million infections in the United States annually, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. One in 11 patients over age 65 with a healthcare-associated C. diff infection die within one month, the CDC says.

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IAHSS Releases Updated Healthcare Use-of-Force Guidelines

Use of force in healthcare environments involves a variety of circumstances, including patient restraint, patient elopement, involuntary commitment, criminal incidents, and other situations, according to IAHSS officials. Naturally, healthcare security officers, whether proprietary, contracted, or law enforcement, are frequently called upon to intervene in these difficult circumstances, IAHSS officials reported.

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