Track COVID-19 Rates to Signal When to Resume Non-Emergent Care

CMS published guidelines Sunday for hospitals who want to expand their operations again, but as with the White House and CDC criteria on “Opening Up America Again” issued April 16, moving toward normal depends on the number of COVID-19 cases in a region and whether those numbers are going down.

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Doctors Should Not Have to Decide Who Lives or Dies

In these times, there is no avoiding unpleasant decisions. But we can choose who makes those decisions. There is a world of difference between the ethical rules that govern the care of patients and the ethical rules that govern public health. Clinical ethics prioritize each individual and leave little room for utilitarian calculations. By contrast, in public health ethics, the value of individual lives is overshadowed by the needs of society.

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Use These Checklists to Stay Ahead of Promised COVID-19 Focus During Surveys

In a Quality, Safety & Oversight Group memo to state and regional CMS offices, the agency ordered its surveyors to suspend “non-emergency inspections across the country” to allow “inspectors to turn their focus on the most serious health and safety threats like infectious diseases and abuse. This shift in approach will also allow inspectors to focus on addressing the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).”

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