Opportunity Uncovered: How COVID-19 Accelerated Healthcare Transformation

The COVID-19 pandemic left an indelible mark on the healthcare landscape, spotlighting critical areas for improvement while accelerating transformations that were already underway. From addressing disparities in equity and access to adopting digital health strategies, the pandemic has forced healthcare to move swiftly to meet urgent needs.

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It Takes a Community to Support a Pregnancy

The United States spends 17.8% of its GDP on healthcare, nearly twice as much as the average OECD country. Yet despite this spending, we currently have a healthcare system largely designed to attend to clinical variables, which, according to some studies, impact only 20% of county-level variation in health outcomes, while social determinants of health (SDOH) affect as much as 50%. 

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A New Option to the Crowded ED: Concierge Care

Concierge care programs designed specifically for urgent and emergency care are finding support from consumers who don’t want to wait several hours in an ED, along with primary care providers who don’t want to send their patients there. The service offers a cash-only alternative to the ED and could pull more patients away from hospitals and health systems.

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