Is Incivility an Underlying Threat to Safety in Obstetrics?

Disruptive behavior? Perhaps these examples do not meet everyone’s threshold. However, few would deny that incivility characterizes these real anecdotal interactions, which occurred in labor and delivery. In 2007, a study of disruptive behavior in labor and delivery units on the West Coast of the United States found that 61% of nurse managers felt that disruptive behavior was currently occurring on their unit (Veltman, 2007).

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Enhance Patient Safety with Better Barcoding

Hospitals seeking to conquer the stubbornly persistent problem of patient safety can start by expanding the adoption of barcoding technology into all areas of the hospital, from the patient room to the lab to the pharmacy. Although barcoding outcomes to date may have fallen short of expectations, it’s important to recognize that both the technology and utilization are maturing, providing the opportunity to make great strides toward improved safety and quality of care at a fraction of the time and cost investment required for an enterprise-wide electronic health record (EHR) implementation.

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