Providers Power up Analytics to Optimize Revenue, Improve Patient Outcomes
Whitepapers |
Quality Improvement |
May/June IFS: Hand Washing Rates Still Challenge Hospital Staff
Whitepapers |
Environment and Facilities, Infection Control, Patient Safety |
The Value of Laboratory Expertise and Data Insights for Health Plans
Whitepapers |
Quality Improvement |
When it Comes to Improving the Patient Experience, a Healthcare-Specific CMMS is Just What the Doctor Ordered
Whitepapers |
Environment and Facilities, Quality Improvement |
6 Ways to Bolster the Benefits of Your EHR by Improving Communications in Your Hospital
Whitepapers |
Quality Improvement, Technology |
A Framework for Safe, Reliable, and Effective Care
Whitepapers |
Patient Safety |
UV Case Study: Excela Health
Whitepapers |
Infection Control, Patient Safety |
Top 10 Tips to Prevent Problems with Bed Bugs
Whitepapers |
Infection Control, Patient Safety |
The PSO Opportunity: Clarity PSO’s 2017 Report to Healthcare Providers
Whitepapers |
Accreditation & Regulation, Leadership |
Research Findings: Strong Collaboration Between Clinical and IT Leaders Supports Better Safety and Quality
Whitepapers |
Patient Safety, Quality Improvement |