LifeWings and EMPSF Join Forces to Overcome Most Dangerous Part of ER Visits

Experts say the most risky time for patients in the ER is when physicians transfer care of patients from one doctor to another. Communication failures are the most common cause of problems inside our hospitals and often are the root cause of errors and adverse events. February’s 2013 BMJ Quality and Safety Journal found team training can transform a hospital’s culture of safety. Safer Sign Out is a patient-centered, team-based innovation that was developed by emergency physicians to improve the safety and reliability of end of shift patient “handoffs.”

The Emergency Medicine Patient Safety Foundation (EMPSF), in collaboration with LifeWings and other innovation partners, introduced the Safer Sign Out protocol to help reduce risk, increase effectiveness and improve clinician and patient satisfaction.

Medical teams are going through this 5-step process when caring for patients and while performing change of shift “handoffs” duties:

1. Record critical data and pending items ?2. Review form and computer data ?3. Round together at the bedside ?4. Relay information to the team and to the nurse ?5. Receive feedback from clinical and and question and answer information gathered

The reason hospitals are choosing to utilize these methods are to address 5 areas:

1) Safety – Safer Sign Out was designed to focus on known areas of vulnerability. ?2) Reliability – Standardized communication methods are proven to reduce errors and lapses. ?3) Risk Reduction – Communications during handoffs are a leading cause of harm. ?4) Teamwork – Opportunity for the physician and nurse to share information; communication errors during handoffs. ?5) Patient Satisfaction – Patients appreciate being part of the transition.

LifeWings patient safety experts can help hospitals improve throughput, reduce door-to-provider time, eliminate LWBS (left without being seen). LifeWings has unparalleled experience at improving system processes to optimize the patient experience, eliminate waste, and enhance patient safety. Their world class coaches have over 300 years of collective experience helping institutions transform Emergency Services. With LifeWings training hospitals can get results like these:

Increase of 25% in schedule efficiency ?Reduce room turnover time by 40% ?45% reduction in Length of Stay ?60% reduction in door to provider time

Learn more about how to transform an Emergency Services Department by getting LifeWings FREE article and case study offering real-world information that can be used today to increase safety and satisfaction in Emergency Services Department at