Joint Commission Solicits Feedback on Proposed Revisions to NSPGs and Universal Protocol

The Joint Commission is revising the 2009 National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) and the 2009 Universal Protocol to clarify language and make sure that they are relevant to the settings in which they apply. This initiative to review and revise the 2009 NPSGs and the 2009 Universal Protocol is a first step in The Joint Commission’s efforts to focus on those issues that are of highest priority to safety and quality.

Proposed revisions for 2010 can be found, by program, using the link below. In these documents, the current (2009) requirement is listed in regular type and the proposed revision follows it in bold type. Elements of Performance and/or Implementation Expectations that are proposed for deletion or movement to standards are also identified.

Feedback on the National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) and Universal Protocol, if applicable, will be gathered for six weeks beginning on May 12, 2009.

Visit for links to proposed revisions and instructions for submitting feedback.